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Guest Writer: Terri and the Fiery Angel

I want to share this message from my friend, Terri. She is a true warrior. She lost her husband at a very young age, with a young son in tow. Her husband was loved and adored as a teacher and as a human. She carried on. She fought hard. I painted the fiery angel with the intention of keeping her. She was me and she represented the new life I have fought for. But when Terri contacted me, I knew that this angel was also Terri and she belonged to her too. See below for Terri's words. Thank you for sharing a little of your story, Terri!

She is beautiful, she was made for me.

When I originally saw her on Jessie’s Facebook page, I immediately, she completely resonates with me. Then, as quickly as my first thought came to me, my next thought was “mom loves angels, I will purchase this beautiful painting for her. The day went on and I had messaged Jessie about her. I had screen shotted her and various times throughout the day, I would peek at her. I was completely drawn to her, she took my breath away. And then I remembered the words underneath her on Jessie’s site; “The flames no longer burned as she rose from the ashes, wings still attached. Head held high, she became the light.”

“This is me, this is me! I cannot give her away, she needs to be mine, just for me, “ I thought.
Jessie had gotten back to me in the mean time and I read her reply:

“This message absolutely made my day. Every bit of my heart, soul, and inner strength went into that painting and there few people I would sell her to. When you said you wanted her, it was so obviously a YES YES YES. Life takes us on journeys we never dreamed we would survive. That fiery angel is you and me. For sure. ❤️.”

I became a new woman once again.

You see, I am always a giver, I love to give, almost to a fault. I think of others mainly before myself, how I can help them, make them happy. It was a huge moment of “I am worthy, I do deserve this gift, I overcame and conquered! I am this fiery angel!

Many of us women have been through really sad, painful, heart wrenching moments (or years) in our lives. Through mine, I have learned that I am truly capable of virtually anything. I have loved, lost tragically, birthed, loved more, birthed more, and learned to love again! I live a new normal! I finally feel and see that I “have risen from the flames, wings still attached.” That my “head is held high and I am the the light!” I CAN be a faithful woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I CAN overcome anything, still love, be a giver and be true to myself.

All of this, all because one day, I received this beautiful gift, that was made just for me.


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