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The Value of Time

What would you do with more time? What are you NOT doing now because you don't have time?

If you keep reading, I promise NOT to tell you that there is enough time in the day if you just MAKE time. It is not true. I am here to tell you that all of that is a load of crap. If you feel like you don't have enough time to do everything you want to do, it’s because you don't have enough time to do everything you want to do.
Have you seen that stupid Pinterest thing with the girl with the perfect body telling you that not working out because you don't have time is just an excuse? I want to punch her in the face and abs and butt. My guess is that she is a) either a trainer who works out for a living, b) 23 with no kids, or c) a model who got stuck on this annoying picture on Pinterest and now all of her friends hate her because they think the words are hers.

Since leaving my job, I have realized how valuable time is and have spent many minutes of that valuable time wondering how in the world we juggled all of it. In all honesty, it wasn't easy and wasn't always pretty. I remember coming home from a trip to Beijing, laying down to take a short little nap after being awake for 32 hours, waking up 4 hours later and realizing that I had slept away those precious hours that I should have been spending with my kids, whom I hadn't seen in 2 weeks. Mom guilt. Two weeks away...32 hours awake...4 hour nap...time. When I say time is valuable, I am not pulling a "time goes so fast, you have to appreciate every minute" thing. What I mean to say is that, if you feel overbooked, it’s because you are.

I am here to tell you that you are doing the best you can with the time you have. Don't let the skinny bitch on Pinterest make you feel like a slacker for not working out when you are juggling a million other things. If you would rather have dinner with your family and a trip to the Dairy Queen, don't feel bad that you didn't get a 2-hour run in. I'll say it again. YOU ARE DOING THE BEST YOU CAN with a life that barely fits into a 24-hour clock.

Keep thinking about what you would do with more time, but spend equal or more time thinking about all the things you ARE doing with the time you have. You're working, raising kids, you're a friend, a husband/wife/sister/brother/mom/dad, you jump when people need you, and then there's all the other stuff. Maybe Pinterest is right...if it’s a priority you will find'll find time with the things that matter THE MOST and you already are. Feel good about whatever that is and let go of the guilt for the things that just don't fit in.

xoxo friends.


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