I am lucky to come from a long line of lovers. My family loves big and they aren't afraid to say it. It is rare to leave a family gathering - and there are lots of them - without telling a few people you love them and getting some right back. Aunts, uncles, cousins...love. I'm pretty sure my parents told me they loved me every single day, one hundred and forty seven times. My point is that "I love you" comes easy to me but it was always reserved mostly for family.
Thinking back, I don't remember when I started telling my friends I loved them but I think it might have been Kila Remiker, sophomore year of high school. We could seriously crack each other up and I think the love came from laughing our asses off over a shared cafeteria taco salad. Other than Kila, I don't really remember the actual words being spoken. I don't remember my mom telling her friends she loved them growing up but maybe I wasn't listening for it either (for the record, I know she loved her friends).
But now...here I am...telling everyone I love them and hearing everyone around me saying it loud and proud too! Next time you're with your friends, listen. Just listen and I can almost promise you will hear the words, I LOVE YOU. Maybe we are a generation where are parents were open with love and now we are even more confident to tell the people around us that we love them. But this is not generic love. This is real and you know it is.
Think about the last non-offspring human you said the words to. Why did you say it? You meant it, didn't you? I love you for laughing at my joke. I love you for telling me I don't have wrinkles when I clearly do. I love you for asking me weird questions about weird topics. I love you for listening. I love you for that little thing you do. I love you for bringing me a bottle of wine on a shit day. I love you for the way you parent your kids. I love you for letting me know I'm ok. I love you for liking all love my vacation pics on Facebook. I love you for taking care of me. I love you for loving me.
It doesn't matter why we love each other...WE LOVE EACH OTHER. And that is what is making all the difference. I have been blessed in this life with the most amazing friends and I love each and every one of them for different reasons and, lord, do I tell them. Not a day goes by that I don't stop and get a little lump in my throat for the group of lady friends I have here. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my friend Kelsey in Croatia, or Matthew in Dallas, or Holly in Arkansas, or Appleton...all of you in Appleton. And I can promise you that it hasn't been real long since I told you I love you.
There is a line in a Brandi Carlile song that says, "I wrapped your love around me like a chain." Imagine the I LOVE YOU you give someone as a link in the chain and the chain just keeps getting longer and connecting more and more people. Whether you love someone for the way they eat their oatmeal or the way they dedicate their entire life to you, you are sending out a powerful message. Let's not stop telling people we love them. Let's be brave and say it more often to more people.
We are on the cusp of a cosmic shift and we can move it with even more I LOVE YOU!
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