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100 Things to be Thankful for and Happy About

(not in any particular order)

1. The happy coffee guy who made me a really good latte this morning.

2. Clean air to breathe.

3. Warm, sunny summer...finally after a year with two winters in a row for us!

4. Quinn is happy at school once again.

5. Forgiveness from my children for not being a perfect mother.

6. My mom and dad who still love each other.

7. My sister who is sisterly perfection.

8. Matthew his humor.

9. A healthy body that will do most things.

10. Willie Nelson.

11. Talking things through with people who love me and feeling better.

12. Knowing exactly who my go-to people are.

13. Really cute babies wrapped up on their mamas' backs just along for the ride.

14. The first swim of the 2012 pool season yesterday. Water temp was 60 degrees but my kids didn't care!

15. Listening to Ben talk like he's 16.

16. Quinn's reaction to his new bike.

17. Considering my sister-in-law Julie a true soulmate even though we don't get to see each other often enough.

18. Alisha Keys and Ray Charles singing "America the Beautiful."

19. Running on a treadmill. Yes, I really enjoy running on a treadmill.

20. Patriotism.

21. Sitting on our patio.

22. Decorating magazines.

23. Facebook friends who take the time to write messages.

24. Cousins.

25. Lucy...the greatest dog to ever live.

26. MAC mascara that just knows when to stay on and when to come off.

27. My kids' bare feet.

28. Strength and bravery.

29. Green grass.

30. Dallas.

31. Having friends so great that you are pretty sure you will never have friends like them again in a lifetime.

32. Really big, gas-guzzling SUVs full of kids, dogs, groceries with room to spare.

33. Amatuli treasure hunting.

34. Tom's twist cones, especially in June, July, and August.

35. Hair appointment day.

36. Yoga.

37. Having time.

38. Knowing a great girl and a great guy and just hoping they get to meet at some point.

39. Planning a party.

40. Teachers who send reminders.

41. Restaurants with playgrounds.

42. Chardonnay.

43. Hearing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" just when I needed a little pick-me-up. Thanks Grandma Frannie.

44. Every shade of green.

45. Clean kids in snuggly jammies.

46. Babysitters who love my kids and take care of them like they are family.

47. Choosing the perfect paint.

48. Eagle River.

49. Chocolate dipped in chocolate with chocolate on top.

50. I live really close to really cool, really big wild animals.

51. I live in one of the sunniest places in the whole world.

52. Being a grown-up.

53. Surviving the thing you never think you will.

54. Good-smelling hair products.

55. Stripes.

56. I know exactly what my first three moves would be if I ever happened upon a huge amount of money.

57. Ballet that gives me goosebumps.

58. Kate and Charlie.

59. In my head, I can still smell the cologne (or just plain soap) and perfume of all four of my grandparents.

60. Papa's tractor.

61. Black and off-white pajama pants.

62. Quinn reading his library books with an Italian accent.

63. Sleeping with the windows open.

64. Going to the gym.

65. Not going to the gym and doing something fun instead.

66. Fresh chocolate croissants.

67. Florence, Italy.

68. Our apartment in Tonbridge, Kent, UK.

69. My extended family who love to get together for just about any reason.

70. Facebook friends.

71. Mio in my water (thanks Abs).

72. The perfect pair of sweatpants.

73. Food on the table and clean water to drink.

74. The guarantee that I will laugh until I cry every single time I am with my friend Matthew.

75. Abi, Ellie, and Vivi.

76. Vanilla candles.

77. Yoga.

78. Ribbed tank-tops.

79. Circle Street.

80. Christmas.

81. Good chats with good people.

82. Feeling deep down happy.

83. Healthy children.

84. Knowing who I can call when I need someone.

85. Johnny Cash.

86. The Help.

87. Reading something and thinking, "YES! Thank goodness you said that so perfectly for me."

88. The things I am learning living in South Africa.

89. Shiraz.

90. The perfect bedding.

91. Spring.

92. Mamma Mia every single time.

93. Warm weather, pool-laying vacations.

94. The Postcard Inn.

95. Lambeau Field.

96. Flip-flops.

97. Happy hour.

98. London.

99. D & G Light Blue perfume

100. Waking up every morning so far. :)


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