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My Random List for July 16th, 2012

Inspired by another "random thoughts" blog, here is mine for today.

1. I decided today that one of my favorite things about where I live is seeing the babies wrapped in blankets or towels on their mom's backs. You see a lady walking along and then she turns a little and you see these beautiful dark eyes peek out. The babies are often sleeping as if absolutely nothing is going on around them or just riding along as content as anything. Cutest thing ever.

2. The sun really shines almost every single day here. Some weather facts for you:

The average temperature in Johannesburg, South Africa is 16.2 °C (61 °F).
The range of average monthly temperatures is 10 °C.
The warmest average max/ high temperature is 26 °C (79 °F) in January & December.
The coolest average min/ low temperature is 4 °C (39 °F) in June, July.
Johannesburg receives on average 849 mm (33.4 in) of precipitation annually or 71 mm (2.8 in) each month.
The month with the driest weather is June when on balance 7 mm (0.3 in) of rain, sleet, hail or snow falls across 1 days.
The month with the wettest weather is January when on balance 150 mm (5.9 in) of rain, sleet, hail falls across 15 days.
Hours of sunshine range between 7.4 hours per day in March and 9.7 hours per day in August.
On balance there are 3182 sunshine hours annually and approximately 8.7 sunlight hours for each day.
On balance there are 8 days annually with measurable frost and in July there are on average 3 days with frost.

3. I miss some good ol' fashioned preservatives in my food. I feel like I throw away so much food because I haven't adjusted to the next day expiration dates (my bad). This also means that I am literally at the grocery store every single day. Good thing I'm in love with Woolworths.

4. The ONLY good thing about Jake being gone? A bottle of red wine lasts a lot longer.

5. I saw an article and photos of Elle MacPherson. She's 110 years old and still looks like she is 23. What a bitch. But the good news is, I still don't have to change my answer to, "If you could look like anyone, who would it be?"

6. I met a mom today who moved here from Norway. She has two daughters at the American school. She said when they moved here her daughters didn't speak a word of English. They sent them off to school, wished them luck (in Norwegian), and they were off. She said they were fluent in English in three weeks. Kids are amazing.

7. If you could do your wedding over again, would you do it the same way? When I think back to my very traditional wedding, it was exactly what my 23-year-old self wanted. Obviously my style has changed since then..........anyway, just wondering.

8. This house makes creepy noises at night. Maybe I should stop watching the "Crime" channel before bed.

9. Tomorrow is my first ever tennis lesson and I'm pretty sure my 6-year-old is going to be better than me. I feel like the coach might look and me and wonder how any adult could be THAT BAD at tennis. Oh well.

10. I watched "Bad Teacher" last night. That movie is so wrong and so hilarious.

11. Don't you hate it when you're so proud of yourself for working out and not dying but you don't want to be the over-posting-workout-girl on Facebook? Don't you also hate it when someone posts a picture of whatever their eating for dinner and it looks disgusting? Don't you also hate yourself for getting annoyed with people posting happy-joy-joy status updates about something you feel insecure about? "I'm so happy I can finally see my 6-pack again!" Damnit! I know I should be happy for you but I am so jealous I can only manage a "like." :)

Ok, that's it. I'm sure I have totally blown your mind with my thoughtful insight tonight. Deep, I know.


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