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Resolutions: Say it loud and say it proud!

The date: January 3, 2011.

That date means that it is, once again, time for New Year's resolutions. This is obviously a hot topic at this time of the year which has me thinking about a couple things so here comes a blog entry. The big question is, why when we talk about resolutions is there always a tone of implied failure? On the spectrum of resolutions the zero would fall with those who don't even bother to set a resolution because they know they will fail. I was recently talking to someone who said, "Why even bother with resolutions? January 1 is just another day." I see the point here, but in my opinion, there is an essence of perceived failure here. Why set myself up for another failure?

In the 10 spot on the spectrum are those who set the goal of climbing Mount Everest and never hesitate for a minute in achieving their goal. Its that amazing quality that allows so many crazy people I know to do Ironman (all shall remain nameless). These are the people I look at and think, I'm just not sure my brain has that smudge of craziness. There is a mental strength there that I'm just not sure everyone has and it always amazes me.

Then there are those of us who fall somewhere in between. I, last year, fell just slightly more on the set-a-goal-and-achieve-it side of things...or at least I feel like I achieved it. My goal was to lose weight and I did that. I saw that number on the scale and it wasn't easy. The secondary goal was to run a half-marathon and I didn't do that which - I'm not going to lie - is really messing with my head as the calendar page turns. Its not that there is any question of whether I can physically run a half-marathon. I KNOW I can do that. What's bugging me is that I have set that particular race as a goal (twice) and have yet to accomplish it. So now my efforts are focusing on silencing that little voice that is saying to me, "Sure you want to do a half-marathon...that's what you said last year." I absolutely MUST silence that stupid little voice with action...prove that the little voice is full of shit. Beat the voice.

My next thought on New Year's resolutions is this: TAKE THE IMPLIED FAILURE OUT OF YOUR RESOLUTION! We seem to have deemed NYR's as cliche and I, for one, don't like it. Why not choose to better yourself in some way starting fresh in the new year? What ever your resolution, tell people with confidence. Maybe the strength in your own voice will give you the boost you need to keep it going. What if this is YOUR year? I especially feel this way about the resolution to lose weight. This particular goal seems to carry with it the most implied failure. I have heard/read people say, "Oh, you know...just like everyone else I want to lose weight [eye roll]." Come on! Stand up for yourself! Stuart Smalley yourself into your resolution if that's what you have to do.

So here are my 2011 resolutions that I state with the uttmost confidence:

1. Run on a regular basis and appreciate any bonus weight I lose doing it.
2. Eat clean and at home more often.
3. Be a happier mommy than I was in 2010.

What are your resolutions?


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