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Showing posts from 2011

I think you are, but what am I? No really...

I've been thinking a lot lately about how I measure myself - how we, especially as women, measure ourselves. Let's be honest, part of our genetic make-up as the feminine species insists that we constantly compare ourselves to those around us and, most likely, consider ourselves inferior at all times. Some of it is inate insecurity and some of it is inate humility. Imagine sitting down to lunch with a group of women, your super model neighbor walking in, and saying to your friends (who are undoubtedly admiring her put-together self), "What? I'm way prettier than her." Then your friends' dilemma would be who to hate more, the super model neighbor or you, right? I guess the conclusion I have come to is that comparing myself to other people is inevitable. I just have to make sure I do it in a healthy way. If you're saying to yourself, "I don't compare myself to other people," I am calling you out right now. I would put that in the same category a...

Resolutions: Say it loud and say it proud!

The date: January 3, 2011. That date means that it is, once again, time for New Year's resolutions. This is obviously a hot topic at this time of the year which has me thinking about a couple things so here comes a blog entry. The big question is, why when we talk about resolutions is there always a tone of implied failure? On the spectrum of resolutions the zero would fall with those who don't even bother to set a resolution because they know they will fail. I was recently talking to someone who said, "Why even bother with resolutions? January 1 is just another day." I see the point here, but in my opinion, there is an essence of perceived failure here. Why set myself up for another failure? In the 10 spot on the spectrum are those who set the goal of climbing Mount Everest and never hesitate for a minute in achieving their goal. Its that amazing quality that allows so many crazy people I know to do Ironman (all shall remain nameless). These are the people I look at ...