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There's No Easy Way to Do This

"You want to build your body? Its going to hurt. Its going to suck."

That is a quote straight from my friend/spinning instructor extrordinaire from Friday's class. Awesome. The thing is, its the kind of "suck" that is so damn exciting! Just had to share that quote. Thanks it.

I was thinking of a few things I feel like I need to spell out as I get started on this post. First, I am going to use the word "fat" in this blog. I am also going to use the word "skinny." When I say fat I am talking about MY fat. In other words, my extra weight that I am trying to lose. I'm not trying to be offensive and I am not even saying that I am really fat. I'm talking fluffy fat...chubby fat...the kind of fat that keeps my jeans from fitting. Your fat is something different and its however you want to define it. I don't care if you are a super model (well, I do...if you're a super model that's cool), there are days you feel "fat." And then there is "skinny." My definition of skinny is that weight that I am trying to get to while still being healthy and strong. I have no interest in being the kind of skinny that doesn't include eating. I'm not talking about the kind of skinny where people spend multiple minutes trying to figure out if you're on the diet coke and cigarettes diet. Nope. Yuck. I'm talking athletic, strong, glowing skinny. My skinny, my goal weight. I also need to explain that when I say "you" most often I am giving myself a pep talk. As I previously explained, this blog also serves as my shrink. Ha, ha!! Ok, glad we got that cleared up. Now I can go on. :)

As of yesterday, I am down 4.4 lbs. It doesn't sound like much, but that is 4.4 lbs over two weeks - a HEALTHY amount of weight for that amount of time. That 4 pounds also got me back into my first pair of pre-pregnany jeans!! I know there are girls who have a baby and are back in their pre-baby jeans two weeks later. That is not me. So 4 months later, I am absolutely celebrating the comfort I feel in my regular jeans!! I also ran 3 times this week with Thursday's run lasting 4.7 miles! Friday was an hour-long spinning class with Jake. So fun working out together!

So, back to "no easy way to do this." I have been thinking about this whole thing so much and one of the thoughts I have all the time is that there is the right way, and then there is the way where you try to convince yourself you are doing it the right way but you know you aren't. I have literally counted every calorie I have consumed for the last two weeks, which takes all of the guess work out of it but definitely takes some dedication. If I don't do it this way there is always the possibility to sneak a little of this and a little of that...because its just [insert little smidge of something yummy here]. There is no cutting corners if you do it the right way. If you're going to do it the right way, then DO IT. If you're going to make the effort then DO IT. And do it right. This isn't a team sport. There is no one to pick up your slack. And if you do it the right way, you are the only one who will benefit and you aboslutely will!

Its calories in, calories out...

Wednesday night we went out for Mexican food...yes, Mexican food. So here is how I managed this one. First, during the day I ate very light. A big cup of coffee (with sugar free creamer) for breakfast and a Lean Cuisine frozen entree for lunch. That left me with 11oo calories for dinner. Then I checked for the calorie counts of different fairly standard Mexican foods. Turns out you are pretty safe with chicken tacos. So that's what I had, along with three Coronitas. Even estimating high I still came out ok. Its all about budgeting for the day and then you can have almost anything you least a little bit of it anyway. :) Again, it takes the guess work out of it.

Obviously, I am not a doctor or a dietician or a nutritionist, etc., but it just seems black and white to me. Cut your calories and work out and there is no way you won't lose weight (unless there is some medical reason). But there are no short-cuts and no easy ways around it. I know VERY FEW people who can eat whatever they want, not work out, and look and feel great (and I would even call people out who claim that they can...I don't believe it). So if I want to reach my goal I am going to do it the right way even if it isn't easy...

...there's no easy way to do this.


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