I'll bet that got your attention, huh? Don't worry, there is nothing crazy going on here. In fact, I am not even thinking morbid here. I was talking with my mom the other day about how when your parents die (or hers in this case), suddenly there is no "buffer" between you and the inevitable. This brought up the topic that runs through my head multiple times a day... YOU ONLY HAVE SO MANY DAYS ON THIS EARTH...YOU BETTER MAKE THE MOST OF THEM. So today I was sitting at my desk doing my job that is worlds away from helping children in Haiti, and I thought, if I die when I am 90, how many days does that give me? 20857...that's how many days I have left if I live until I'm 90. Then I started wondering if I should count the days I may spend with dementia toward the end of my life (my grandma had it). I decided that even if I don't know where or who I am I may still be making someone happy so I'm going to count them. As always, I digress... I know this s...