When Jake signed up for his first Ironman and now with this move to Johannesburg, people have said, "Wow...do you know what you're getting yourself into?" The honest answer is no...but yes. No, I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow no matter where I live. As they say, I could walk out my front door tomorrow and get hit by a bus. But yes, we are willing to go beyond what is comfortable to find out. People say, "I could never take my kids away from what is familiar." What is familiar is family, a roof over their heads, food on the table, and the consistency of how you run your family. I was really worried about telling Quinn he would go to a new school. His response? "YES!" He was pumped. And really, I'm not sure I want my 6-year-old dictating what is best for our family. Are you worried about your kids or are you worried about you? People have also said, "Isn't it dangerous there?" Yes. If you go to downtown Johannesburg,...